Tuesday, April 16, 2013


I have been lusting after Kip & Co bedding for about a year now. When I was purchasing bedding for my littles room it was at the top of my list. It's expensive. I mean, really expensive to me. At the time, they were not carrying twin size so that made my decision a little easier. I purchased Hedgehog and Squirrel bedding from NORD home and do love it.

Ding ding. Guess what? Urban Outfitters is now carrying a line of bedding by one of my favorite artists of all time, Ashly G. This bedding is amaze-balls and has the same feel as Kip & Co bedding. Colorful, artistic, and most important to me...unique. Take a gander yourself...what are your thoughts? Don't they give off the same vibe?

Kip & Co bedding. Duvet cover alone is $229 (then you throw in overseas shipping...)

Ashley G Char-Bea Bedding $110




Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Things to love...and possibly buy

All via Etsy. I'm way too lazy to post sources. So, if it's possible someone is reading and would like a source I would be happy to give it to you. 

